Use "went over|go over" in a sentence

1. They went over budget .

2. We went over a waterfall.

3. Women went gooey over him.

4. Julie went snowboarding over Christmas.

5. Tech went over that surveillance gear.

6. Only range went over the length.

7. She went over to the sink and splashed her face with cold water over and over again.

8. Go on, get over there.

9. Go over the lesson again.

10. He went to sleep over his work.

11. 9 They went nuts over the Cougar.

12. We go over the side.

13. Go over and help him.

14. The car went over into a ditch.

15. He went over to inspect the ground staff.

16. They went over to a computerized records system.

17. Synonyms for Cartwheeled include flipped, flip-flopped, flipped over, went head over heels, gone head over heels, rolled, somersaulted, tumbled, turned and turned over

18. We went for a ramble over the moors.

19. He went over the river by ferry boat.

20. The guests went into rhapsodies over the food.

21. She went over the room with a duster.

22. He went over the surfaces with a duster.

23. The fans went totally gaga over the band.

24. How did her speech go over?

25. Now, let's go over that side.

26. Let's go over the list again.

27. We lost control, went straight over a cliff.

28. So how'd the lasagna go over?

29. It's exciting, but we went over our finances and...

30. The car shook as it went over a bump.

31. She went over to intervene between the two men.

32. She went into rhapsodies over/about the chocolate cake.

33. They went over nationwide in search of uranium mines.

34. The train rattled as it went over the points.

35. Publishers went gaga over celebrity books, with mixed results.

36. I went on an archaeological dig over the summer.

37. With one Bounce the ball went over the net.

38. The heather, purple now, they went into ecstasies over.

39. These actors went over very well with the audience.

40. Now, I don't imagine that went over so well.

41. 3 Over many waters went the grain* of Shiʹhor,*+

42. I'd better go over to this side.

43. “Some go into heavy expenses over refreshments.

44. Let's go over the schedule during lunch.

45. Arpeggios Let’s go over some chord construction

46. You can't go over there like that.

47. Let's go to that diner over there.

48. I went over to the bed and lifted the counterpane.

49. I fell off my bike and went arse over tit.

50. (Applause) And this image somehow went all over the world.

51. This exponent over here can go outfront, which is what we did right over there

52. She went over and helped to fix up the quarrel.

53. The maid went over the room quickly with a duster.

54. Awny went over all my complicated and interconnected heath issues

55. True, Goodwood was over, but betting went on, thank goodness.

56. Let's go over to the check-out stand.

57. Your spending should not go over your income.

58. Please go to receive optometry first over there.

59. We'll go out when the rain is over.

60. Mom, can I go over to Lisa's house?

61. And the trucks go over the frozen ground.

62. Agonize over a decision to go to war

63. You go up in the meadow over there.

64. 14 Don't go wandering all over the house!

65. When his inner struggle was over, Jesus got up, went back to Peter, James, and John, and said: “Get up, let us go.”

66. She was screaming for help when she went over the edge.

67. I went over to say hello, but Vincent didn't recognize me.

68. The car went out of control and plunged over the cliff.

69. I went over to see if I could lend a hand.

70. Holy-o went over and opened them slowly, holding the truncheon.

71. We went forward hand in hand to tide over the difficulty.

72. I was doing this chick and I went Blooey all over …

73. • Stephen went back across the river again, Clambering over the boulders

74. She tends to over-react when things go wrong.

75. Presently, over one billion people go hungry every day.

76. Go over your work before you hand it in.

77. Let's go over and help them pull the cart.

78. A rucksack has straps that go over the shoulders.

79. I bought an awning to go over the doorway.

80. This matter will go over until the next session.